In addition to these maps, you can also find after installing our application: SkyBlock, Lucky Block One Block Survival, Lucky Tree and many other iconic maps in the world of Minecraft. That is, the stages are different biomes or mobs on the maps of add on. Since we are talking about the stages in minecraft, let's take a closer look, there are 10 stages in total, the first stage is the vanilla biome, the second stage is the sand biome, etc.

You start your journey in the pixel world with one block of earth that will be located, you will need to break it, after which you will receive the next block, like this in slow but sure steps, you will go to stage 10 with an ender dragon! The beginning and essence of mld One Block for MCPE:

These maps were created in order to diversify the Minecraft game, here you will try your hand at survival, going from one block floating in the sky to fighting the Ender Dragon. One Block is a survival map that adds Pocket Edition to Minecraft, a lot of new textures, plot, behavior and a new line of survival.